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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

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Don't Mess up your first Date.. Read and Learn!!!

By: Crypto Dina On: 6:28:00 PM
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  • Unlike many of my friends who think first dates are the absolute worst thing in the entire world, I sort of liked them. Sure, sometimes they didn’t go so well – I’ve had my fair share of moments where I couldn’t get in my car and drive away fast enough. But anything could happen, and I kind of thought they were exciting.
    At the very worst, I usually got a good story out of it.

    So you matched with a cute guy on Bumble. You chatted via text for a while and decided on a place to meet up for a first date. Now what? You’ve already covered the topics of where you’re from, your job, and where you went to school…what are you going to talk about when you’re actually face-to-face for the first time?
    Since you’re already stressing about what to wear, what to order, and a plethora of other first date woes, we’ve got you covered on some foolproof conversation starters. Whether this is the first time you hang with your dream man or it turns out to be a flop, at least there won’t be too many awkward silences while you rack your brain for another question to ask him. Plus, you’ll really get to know him! Stay clear of religion and politics – just memorize some of these no-fail conversation starters and knock ’em dead.

    1. Who inspires you? Who do you aspire to be like?
    2. What was the last book you read without skipping through anything?
    3. What is the weirdest scar you have and how did you get it?
    4. What is the most random thing you’ve ever watched all the way through on Netflix?
    5. If you could trade lives with one person for an entire day who would it be and why?
    6. Do you believe in ghosts?
    7. Shark diving, bungee jumping, or sky diving?
    8. Which would be harder for you to give up: coffee or alcohol?
    9. How did you meet your best friend?
    10. Do you have a sweet tooth or a savory tooth?
    11. What is something you’ve always wanted to try but have been too scared to?
    12. What accomplishments are you most proud of?
    13. If you were going to go to the movies alone, what would be the perfect film for you to watch by yourself?
    14. What is your favorite Wikipedia article? (Shuddup. Everyone has one.)
    15. What is your favorite physical attribute about yourself?
    16. Tell me about the best vacation you’ve ever taken.
    17. Where is your favorite place to go on a weekday afternoon when you have no plans or obligations?
    18. What is one of the weirdest things you used to do as a teenager?
    19. Gin, vodka, or tequila?
    20. What drives you to do what you do? What motivates you?
    21. In your opinion, what is the best Disney movie to come out since Disney’s Golden Age?
    22. What kind of phone was your first cell phone?
    23. What did you love most about the place you grew up? What about it did you love the least?
    24. What trajectory are you hoping to push yourself onto? Where do you want to head?
    25. What is your most bizarre talent?
    26. Is there a documentary or book that really changed the way you thought about something?
    27. What are three albums (soundtracks or compilations don’t count) that really define you or have shaped you as a person?
    28. Who was someone you really looked up to when you were little — someone you considered to be a mentor?
    29. What’s your favorite cheesy pick-up line? Have you ever used it for real?
    30. Who is a character from a TV show or a book that you’ve always resonated with?
    31. Can I get you another drink?